Geriatrics Station 2


Station 2

Don’t let this one floor you…


Start the Timer and Begin



Presenting complaint


Before the Fall

? True vertigo is suggested by a sensation of the "room spinning" (not suggested by this history). True Vertigo would suggest a vestibular or central cause of collapse.

During the Fall

? Identifying what part of the body hit the floor is a key part of a falls history. Certain injuries and managements are decided on this. For example a fall on an outstretched hand should raise the suspicion of a Colles fracture of the wrist. And a head injury may require a CT head (especially if a patient is anti coagulated).

After the Fall

Past Medical History


Drug History


Family History


Social History


Systems Reviews


Ideas, Concerns, Expectations


Diagnosis & Interpretation


Assessment and Management


Submit for Scoring

Tags | Geriatrics | HCOLL | Falls | Orthostatic Hypotension

Station Written by: Dr Amy Wray

Peer Reviewed by: Dr Benjamin Armstrong

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